Fertility Awareness (FAM) or Natural Family Planning (NFP) teaches a woman how to identify when she ovulates and is considered fertile during her menstrual cycle. This information can be used to either avoid or achieve a pregnancy.
The Marquette Method (MM) utilizes the modern technology of home hormone testing to track a woman's cycle. The MM only requires one simple objective test a day instead of multiple observations through out the day.
The MM can utilize a variety of products to track hormones at home: Clearblue Touch Screen Fertility Monitor, Mira Monitor, ProoV Products, Premom and TempDrop. I work closely with my clients to help them choose the product which best meets their needs.
The menstrual cycle is a fifth vital sign and an indicator of a woman's overall health. Our bodies were designed to have a normal menstrual cycle which is a sign of a health.
As a fertility educator I am passionate about educating women about their menstrual cycle as well as providing an effective non-hormonal option for natural birth control and pregnancy achievement.
The Marquette Method can be used to help:
A couple avoid a pregnancy
(98-99% effective in preventing pregnancy)
A couple achieve a pregnancy
(Ideal first step in an infertility evaluation)
Uncover underlying health issues
Avoid pregnancy without hormones while breastfeeding
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